What Do Sugar Gliders Eat?

Sugar gliders are adorable marsupials that have become really popular as pets. If you want to be a great pet parent to these little buddies, you’ve gotta know what they like to eat.

In this article, we’re gonna chat about their diet so your furry friend stays healthy and full of energy!

What Do Sugar Gliders Eat?

Short Answer
Sugar gliders are omnivores; their diet should consist of protein and carbohydrates.

In the wild, sugar gliders munch on nectar, pollen, insects, and small critters living in trees.

When they live with us, they can have special sugar glider food from the store, insects like mealworms, eggs, and tasty fruits like apples and grapes.

Sugar glider food list

What Do Sugar Gliders Eat?

The ideal diet for pet sugar gliders:

Hey, let’s talk about the best diet for our cute sugar glider pals!

Variety is Key: You know how they eat lots of different stuff in the wild? Well, we should do the same at home. That means giving them fruits, veggies, insects, and special sugar glider food.

Fresh Fruits: Sugar gliders really like fruits like apples, pears, grapes, and berries. These fruits have natural sugars and vitamins.

Veggies: Don’t forget the veggies, like sweet potatoes, carrots, and leafy greens. They’ve got fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Leafy greens are super good for them.

Protein: Sugar gliders need protein for energy and growing up strong. Bugs like crickets, mealworms, and waxworms are perfect. Some folks also give them cooked chicken or turkey.

Sugar Glider Pellets: There are special sugar glider pellets you can get. These have all the good stuff they need and can be a big part of their diet.

Nectar and Gum: In the wild, they have nectar and tree sap. We can copy that by giving them a little unsweetened fruit juice or special nectar stuff.

Hydration: Keep their water fresh. Some gliders like sipping from a water bottle with a tube.

Treats in Moderation: They sure love sweet stuff, but don’t give too much. Too many sugary treats can mess up their teeth and make them gain too much weight.

Remember, a mix of these foods keeps our sugar-glider friends happy and healthy!

What Do Sugar Gliders Eat?

How to serve a sugar glider’s diet?

Feeding your sugar glider isn’t just about what they eat, it’s also about how you do it!

Small Portions: Sugar gliders have tiny tummies, so give them little bits of food. This way, they won’t waste it or eat too much.

Fresh is Best: Use fresh food and take away what they don’t eat to keep their home clean.

Mix It Up: Every day, offer a mix of fruits, veggies, and protein. This gives them all the good stuff they need and keeps their meals fun.

Supplements: Sometimes, they might need a calcium boost. Ask your vet if you’re not sure.

Watch and Learn: Pay attention to what your glider likes best. They can be picky, so be ready to give them their favorites.

Be Friendly: Feeding by hand can help you and your glider become pals.

Taking care of their diet is a big part of being a good glider parent. A happy and healthy glider is a happy pet!

What Do Sugar Gliders Eat In The Wild?

Let’s talk about what sugar gliders munch on when they’re out in the wild!

Insects: These little gliders are like insect hunters. They gobble up stuff like crickets, moths, and beetles. Those bugs give them the protein and good stuff they need for their busy life.

Tree Sap and Nectar: They also sip on tree sap and sweet flower juice. It’s like a quick energy drink for them!

Fruits: Sugar gliders have a sweet tooth for fruits like eucalyptus gum, acacia gum, and local fruits. These fruits give them vitamins and natural sugars.

Plant Drips: Sometimes, they lick up oozy stuff from trees like eucalyptus and acacia. It’s like getting extra sugars and nutrients from nature.

Tiny Prey: Once in a while, they might catch small things like birds, eggs, or teeny rodents. These little critters give them some extra protein.

So, when they’re in the wild, sugar gliders have a menu that’s a mix of sweet, crunchy, and a bit of meaty stuff!

What Do Sugar Gliders Eat?

What Do Sugar Gliders Eat In Captivity?

Let’s talk about what our pet sugar gliders should eat when they’re living with us!

Special Sugar Glider Pellets: You can get these special pellets made just for them at pet stores. They have all the good stuff sugar gliders need.

Fresh Fruits: Give them fresh fruits like apples, pears, grapes, and bananas. These fruits have natural sugars and vitamins.

Veggies: Don’t forget the veggies! Stuff like sweet potatoes, carrots, and leafy greens. Veggies have fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Protein: Sugar gliders need protein to be strong and full of energy. They can munch on bugs like crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. Some folks even give them cooked chicken or turkey.

Nectar and Gum: To be like in the wild, they can sip a bit of unsweetened fruit juice or special nectar stuff.

Treats Sometimes: Sugar gliders love sweet stuff, but don’t overdo it. Too many sugary treats can hurt their teeth and make them too chubby.

Stay Hydrated: Make sure they have fresh water. Some like to sip from a water bottle with a tube.

With this mix of food, your pet sugar gliders will be happy and healthy at home with you!

what can sugar gliders eat

What Foods Are Harmful To Sugar Gliders?

Knowing what not to feed your sugar glider is just as important as knowing what’s good for them. Here are some foods you should keep away from your sugar glider:

Toxic Fruits and Veggies: Some things like onions, garlic, grapes, and citrus fruits can be bad for them, so don’t give them these.

Junk Food and Sweets: Even though they like sweet stuff, too much candy, chocolate, and sugary snacks can make them chubby and hurt their teeth.

Caffeine and Alcohol: Just like with people, caffeine and alcohol are a no-go for sugar gliders.

Dairy: They can’t handle dairy stuff like milk and cheese, so don’t give them any.

Fatty and Salty Foods: Stuff that’s really fatty or salty, like greasy snacks, isn’t healthy for them. It can give them heart problems and high blood pressure.

Pits and Seeds: Take out pits and seeds from fruits like cherries and peaches because they can be a choking risk.

Raw Meat and Fish: They need protein, but raw meat and fish might have bad germs. Always cook it first.

By keeping these foods away, you’ll keep your sugar glider safe and sound.


What do sugar gliders eat?

Sugar gliders munch on a mix of fruits, veggies, insects, and more.

What Insects Can Sugar Gliders Eat?

Sugar gliders can enjoy insects like mealworms, crickets, and even small roaches as part of their diet.

What Vegetables Can Sugar Gliders Eat?

Sugar gliders can munch on vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, and leafy greens.

What Fruits Can Sugar Gliders Eat?

Sugar gliders can indulge in fruits like apples, grapes, blueberries, and even papayas. Just remember to remove any seeds.

Do sugar gliders eat meat?

Yeah, sugar gliders are like tiny action heroes! They enjoy insects and even cooked chicken.

How ’bout nuts? Can sugar gliders have some nutty snacks?

Sure thing! Just make sure it’s unsalted nuts, like almonds or pecans.

Can sugar gliders slurp up some milk, like we do?

Nope, no milk for these little sugar gliders. Stick to water to keep them hydrated.

Should I give sugar gliders special vitamins or stuff like that?

Sometimes, a sprinkle of calcium powder on their food is a good idea for sugar gliders.

Are there any foods sugar gliders should totally avoid?

Yep, stay away from giving sugar gliders onions, garlic, and chocolate. It’s toxic for them!

How often should I serve sugar gliders dinner?

Give sugar gliders their meals in the evening when they’re awake, and fresh food is best every day.

How to keep sugar glider buddies full and happy?

Just remember to keep their diet varied and healthy, and you’ll have some happy sugar gliders!

sugar glider food list


Making sure your sugar glider eats the right stuff and stays away from the bad stuff is super important for their health and happiness.

By giving them lots of good food choices and being careful about what they shouldn’t have, you can enjoy many fun and healthy years with your little buddy!


Fruits and Vegetables