Can Sugar Glider Eat Figs?

You undoubtedly want to know if you can feed your sugar glider figs. Know their nutritional worth, health benefits, and hazards.

Sugar gliders eat fruits, seeds, acacia, eucalyptus gums, and insects. They spend their nights chasing insects and gliding between tree trunks.

Can Sugar Glider Eat Figs?

Short Answer

Sugar gliders can eat figs as an occasional treat. However, figs are high in sugar and should be given in moderation. It is important to remember that a sugar glider’s primary diet should consist of a high-quality, balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

Can Sugar Glider Eat Figs

Sugar gliders love figs, but many owners don’t realize they’re harmful. Sugary figs can cause diabetes and obesity in gliders. As sugar gliders naturally eat in the wild, it is ideal to provide them with a range of fruits and vegetables. These pets must also be hydrated. Always give them fresh water with their meal bottle.

Australian and Indonesian sugar gliders are tiny marsupials. They live in pouches on their mothers’ tummies and are nocturnal.

Gliders eat pollen, nectar, and honeydew from different plants. They eat insects, spiders, and tiny birds to meet their protein demands.

They need vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables, protein, and calcium. To be healthy and robust, kids require these vitamins in their diet.

Gliders need balanced food and bottled water every day. This can protect your pet from tap water toxicity.

Nutritional Content of Figs

Figs provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Calcium and phosphorus are crucial to sugar gliders.

Sugar gliders eat a lot of fruits and vegetables in the wild. They also eat pollen, nectar, honeydew, eucalyptus, acacia sap, and gum.

Feed your glider organic, ripe figs. Before feeding, remove the seeds.

Veterinarians offer Leadbeater’s combination, a prepared diet of meat, eggs, honey, and vitamins. This can be frozen and fed to gliders.

Health Benefits and Risks of Figs

High-blood-pressure patients benefit from figs’ potassium-rich sweetness. They provide calcium for strong bones and teeth.

The fibre in figs aids bowel motions. Fibre makes feces bulky and easy to pass.

In winter, sugar gliders eat wattle gum and eucalypt sap. Pet sugar gliders eat fruit to mimic their diet, which provides the most nutrients.

Other Alternatives to Figs

Kiwis and mangoes are other sugar-glider treat besides figs. Gliders benefit from these fiber-rich fruits.

Sugar gliders should eat 25% fruits and vegetables. Wash and cut fresh or dried fruit to serve.

Each meal can also include several vegetables. This will give your sugar glider something to eat at all times.

Wash and slice vegetables into bite-sized pieces. Remove seeds. Sugar gliders should not eat canned or frozen foods since they have added sugars.

Conclusion about Eating Figs

Vitamins A, B6, C, and K, as well as minerals including calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron, are abundant in figs. They’re also fiber-rich.

Antioxidants protect you from free radicals and oxidative stress. Lowering blood pressure and triglycerides improves vascular health and reduce heart disease risk.

Because they are low in calories and fat, eating figs in moderation can help you lose weight. They also have a lot of fiber, which fills you up.