Can Sugar Glider Eat June Bugs?

Do you really like sugar gliders? Ever thought about whether these adorable little guys can have June bugs for a snack? You’re not the only one!

Sugar gliders have a special diet, and it’s kind of fun to find out what they can eat.

In this article, we’re going to figure out if sugar gliders can chow down on June bugs.

Can Sugar Glider Eat June Bugs?

Short Answer

So, can sugar gliders have June bugs in their dinner? Yep, they sure can!

June bugs are like a mini protein powerhouse for your sugar glider pals. These bugs are packed with protein, like the bricks for strong muscles and good health. Vitamins and minerals, like vitamin B and calcium, are also present that can help your gliders stay healthy.

But, here’s the deal – you’ve got to be careful where you get those bugs. Make sure they don’t hang out in places with pesticides because that’s a big no-no for your gliders.

And remember, bugs are just part of the menu. Your gliders need other yummy foods too, like fruits, veggies, and more. So, don’t bug them with bugs every day, just once in a while is perfect. Keep watching your glider’s weight and behavior to make sure they’re feeling good.

So, yes to June bugs, but keep it chill and mix up their meals!

Nutritional Content of June Bugs

June bugs, those little beetles you see in the summer, have some interesting stuff inside. They’re actually quite a good source of protein. In every 100 grams of these bugs, you can find about 3-4 grams of protein.

That’s impressive, especially for bugs! Protein helps sugar gliders get strong and healthy. And these June bugs bring other important stuff too.

June bugs are pretty cool because they have vitamin B, which gives sugar gliders energy and makes their fur look nice. There’s also a presence of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. It ensures that their bones stay strong and healthy.

But here’s the thing to remember: June bugs aren’t very high in fat. Sugar gliders need a bit of fat to stay energetic.

So, while June bugs are great for protein, it’s a good idea to give your gliders some other fatty foods to keep their diet well-balanced.

Health Benefits and Risks of June Bugs

Let’s dive into the potential health benefits and risks of adding June bugs to your sugar glider’s diet:

Health Benefits:

  1. Protein Source: June bugs offer a significant source of protein, promoting muscle growth and repair in sugar gliders. This is super important for their health and energy.
  2. Vitamins and Minerals: The bugs have vitamins like B, calcium, and more, which help with their body functions and strong bones.
  3. Natural Foraging: Feeding June bugs to your sugar glider can mimic their natural foraging behavior in the wild. This will help with mental stimulation and keeping them active.


  1. Pesticide Exposure: One of the primary risks associated with June bugs is potential pesticide exposure. If these insects have been in contact with pesticides, they can be harmful to your sugar glider. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that the June bugs you offer come from a pesticide-free environment or are sourced from a reputable supplier.
  2. Imbalanced Diet: While June bugs provide essential nutrients, they should not constitute the entirety of your sugar glider’s diet. Sugar gliders need a balanced diet with fruits, veggies, and proteins. Relying solely on June bugs can lead to an imbalanced diet.

Serving Size and Feeding Frequency

When you’re giving your sugar glider some June bugs to eat, it’s important to know how much and how often.

For grown-up sugar gliders, it’s usually okay to give them like 1 to 3 bugs in one meal. But if you have baby gliders, just start with one bug for them.

Some may like more, and some may like less, just like how we all have our food preferences.

Remember, bugs are just one part of their diet. They need other foods too, like fruits and veggies.

As for how often, don’t go bug-crazy. It’s better to offer bugs as a treat once or twice a week, not every day. It’s like when we try new snacks, we enjoy them, but we gotta stay healthy, right? So, make sure your sugar glider doesn’t get too chubby and stays happy. Bugs are cool snacks, but toss in some other foods too to keep their meals exciting!

So, bugs are like a cool snack for your glider, but don’t forget to mix it up with other foods!

Other Alternatives to June Bugs

If you’re thinking about changing up your sugar glider’s menu or you can’t find any June bugs, don’t worry! There are plenty of other tasty options:

  1. Crickets: These little guys are easy to find in pet stores, and they’re packed with protein. Just make sure they’ve eaten some healthy food before your glider eats them.
  2. Mealworms: Sugar gliders love these too! Just like crickets, make sure they’ve had a nutritious meal before becoming your glider’s snack.
  3. Fruits and Veggies: Fresh fruits and veggies are a great idea. Your glider can munch on stuff like apples, carrots, and leafy greens for essential vitamins and minerals.
  4. Pellets: There are special pellets made just for sugar gliders. They’re like glider fast food, but healthier! You can find these at pet stores too.

So, if you can’t find June bugs or want to mix things up, there are plenty of yummy options to keep your glider’s tummy happy. Just remember to keep their diet balanced and exciting!


How often can I give June bugs to my sugar glider?

You can give June bugs as a treat, like 1-2 times a week. But watch your glider’s weight and behavior to be sure they’re okay.

Are there any problems with giving June bugs to sugar gliders?

Yeah, there could be issues, especially if the bugs were around pesticides. So, make sure the bugs are from a place without chemicals to keep your glider safe.

What other foods can sugar gliders eat besides June bugs?

Sugar gliders can munch on crickets, mealworms, fresh fruits, and veggies. There’s also special food made just for them, like pellets. Mixing up their food is good for their health.

Can baby sugar gliders (joeys) eat June bugs too?

Yep, but start with a tiny bit, like one bug. When they get bigger, you can give them more. Just make sure to watch them when they eat.

How do I make sure my sugar glider’s food is balanced?

To keep their food balanced, give them different things to eat. Like bugs, fruits, veggies, and special glider food. And talk to glider experts or vets for advice.


In short, sugar gliders can enjoy the benefits of eating June bugs, like protein and important nutrients. But remember to make sure the bugs are safe and not near pesticides.

Also, give your gliders other foods to keep their diet balanced.

So, in a nutshell, sugar gliders can indeed have June bugs, but be careful. June bugs can give them protein and vitamins to help them stay healthy.

But make sure the bugs are safe to eat and don’t overdo it. June bugs should be a fun treat, not an everyday meal.

Remember, your sugar glider’s diet should be like a buffet with lots of different foods.

If you ever get worried or have questions, ask an expert like a vet or someone who knows a lot about sugar gliders.