What Bugs Can Sugar Glider Eat?

Figuring out safe insect options to satisfy a pet sugar glider’s taste for bugs can be challenging though. Some bugs are better than others when it comes to being healthy for your pets.

In this article, we’ll cover which insect varieties make good treats versus ones to avoid when feeding pet sugar gliders.

Short Answer

Sugar gliders eat insects, eucalyptus leaves, honeydew, sap, and flower nectar in the wild. To stay strong and healthy, sugar gliders need to eat different kinds of food.

They can munch on insects like dubia roaches, crickets, waxworms, and superworms for their protein. Crickets contain aflatoxin, so feed them carefully.

While it’s difficult to replicate the sugar glider’s wild diet, other foods can often provide the nutrients. David Brust, a prominent veterinarian, suggests that a sugar glider’s diet should consist of 75% pellets, 20% fresh fruits and vegetables, and 5% treats.

It’s hard to feed captive sugar gliders, eucalyptus gum, nectar, lizards, and bird eggs. However, feeding them greens low in calcium and oxalate, such as arugula, bib lettuce, dill, and radicchio, can provide a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Sugar gliders eat treats like sap and gums until bug season returns. Like most wild animals, sugar gliders have preferred and secondary foods, depending on what’s available.

To keep your sugar glider interested and provide a balanced diet, offer a variety of foods.

Sugar gliders eat dubia roaches, crickets, waxworms, and superworms. Crickets contain aflatoxin, so feed them carefully. Experts recommend a sugar glider diet of 75% pellets, 20% fresh produce, and 5% treats.

Arugula, bibb lettuce, dill, and radicchio provide nutrients without calcium or oxalate. Offering a variety of foods keeps your sugar glider interested and provides a balanced diet.

I’ve found that offering a variety of foods keeps my sugar gliders healthy and happy. Sugar gliders love Dubia roaches, crickets, and waxworms.

To keep my little buddies happy, I give them different fresh fruits and veggies, and I switch them up from time to time. I recommend a balanced diet to sugar glider owners because my gliders are healthy and active.

What Bugs Can Sugar Glider Eat?


Mealworms are an excellent insect for sugar gliders to eat. They contain about 20% protein as well as some healthy unsaturated fats. The protein supports muscle growth and repair while the fat provides concentrated energy.

Mealworms also contain some fiber, vitamin B12, and iron. Their crunchy texture provides enrichment. Dried or live mealworms can be fed 2-3 times per week as a protein source.

Be sure to monitor portion size, as they are calorie-dense. Overall, mealworms make a healthy treat that satisfies sugar gliders’ insectivore needs.


A variety of insect feeders like crickets, grasshoppers, dubia roaches, silkworms, and hornworms can provide nutrition and enrichment for sugar gliders.

Crickets are like little protein-packed snacks for sugar gliders. They’ve got protein, fiber, vitamins, and calcium. Insects satisfy natural foraging instincts as well.

Aim to feed 1-2 teaspoons of assorted insects 2-3 times per week. Rotate the types for diversity. Gutload insects with nutritious foods prior to feeding for added benefits.

With variety, insects make excellent additions to the sugar glider diet.


While less common, some breeds of caterpillars are also safe for sugar gliders to eat. Waxworms and silkworms are good options that can be given occasionally.

They provide protein, fat and nutrients. Hornworms are also an acceptable caterpillar variety in moderation. As with any insect, variety is key – do not offer any single one too often.

Overall, some caterpillars make suitable treats but should be fed in smaller amounts than mainstays like crickets or mealworms. Rotate them in for diversity a few times per month.

What Bugs Can Sugar Glider Eat?


Weevils are not recommended as food for sugar gliders. Most varieties of weevils feed on plants, bark, or seeds and do not provide adequate nutrition.

Some weevils may also secrete protective chemicals that could be harmful if ingested by sugar gliders. It is best to avoid offering weevils and stick to feeder insects bred specifically for animal diets.


Like weevils, moths are not ideal insect feeders for sugar gliders. Most moth species do not provide sufficient concentrated nutrition to justify the risks of catching wild insects.

Moths are also challenging to catch and contain life. For these reasons, moths are better excluded from the sugar glider diet. Owners should focus on mealworms, crickets, and other feeder insects from controlled sources.


Beetles are another insect group that should generally be avoided when feeding sugar gliders. While some beetle species may offer nutrition, risks include exposure to parasites, pesticides, or other chemicals from catching wild species.

The potential dangers outweigh the benefits. Instead, use regulated feeder insects like crickets, grasshoppers, roaches and mealworms to meet sugar gliders’ insectivore needs safely. Veterinarian-approved insect sources are ideal.


Crickets are like superstars among insects for sugar gliders. They’re loaded with protein that helps their muscles grow strong. Crickets also have good fats, fiber, calcium, iron, and B vitamins like riboflavin.

Plus, when sugar gliders chase after live crickets, it’s like a fun game of hide and seek! A 1-2 inch serving of live crickets 2-3 times per week makes the perfect protein-packed treat.

Be sure to get crickets from regulated feeder insect providers to avoid any parasite risks. Overall crickets offer a tasty source of protein, nutrients, and enrichment.


What insects are safe for sugar gliders to eat?

Safe insect options include crickets, mealworms, grasshoppers, dubia roaches, and certain caterpillars like waxworms or hornworms.

How often should bugs be fed to sugar gliders?

Aim for 1-2 teaspoons of mixed safe insects 2-3 times per week. This provides enrichment without overdoing it.

Are wild insects okay or should they be from controlled sources?

Feeder insects from regulated sellers are best to prevent any parasite or pesticide risks from wild bugs.

What insects should be avoided for sugar glider diets?

Avoid insects like moths, beetles, or weevils as well as any wild insects of unknown nutritional value or safety.

How can insects be made more nutritious for sugar gliders?

Gut-loading feeder insects with healthy fruits, vegetables, and proteins boost their nutritional value. Dusting with calcium supplements also adds benefits.

Can too many insects negatively affect a sugar glider?

Overfeeding any single food item can lead to nutritional imbalance or weight gain. Variety and moderation are key.


Providing pet sugar gliders with a varied insect diet satisfies their natural omnivore needs while adding enrichment. Focus on regulated feeder insects like crickets, mealworms, and roaches from approved sources.

Avoid catching wild insects that could carry diseases and chemicals. With a thoughtful selection, insects make valuable additions providing key nutrition as well as healthy chewing and foraging activities.

Aim for diversity and moderation to keep your sugar glider’s bug munching both stimulating and safe.