Can Sugar Glider Eat Orange Peels?

Oranges are tangy and tasty for us, but what about our little buddies? Let’s figure out if orange peels are a snack they can enjoy.

Short Answer

Sugar gliders can have oranges, but not orange peels. They need the vitamin C in oranges, so you can give them some orange slices.

But be sure to take out the seeds and stems and wash the fruit before giving it to them. And don’t let them have too much orange peel because it’s high in fiber.

A vet named Dr. David Brust suggests that sugar gliders should eat mostly pellets (like special glider food), some fresh fruits and veggies, and a few treats.

So, oranges and peels are okay, but just a bit. They need a balanced diet to stay healthy.

Oh, and don’t give them canned oranges because they’re too acidic and can upset their tummies. Pineapples are okay sometimes, but not all the time.

And be careful with raspberries because they can cause tummy problems.

I’m a sugar glider owner too, and my gliders like oranges and peels. I give it to them in small amounts to keep their diet balanced. And I make sure to get organic fruits for them.

Avoiding canned or really acidic fruits is a good idea to keep their tummies happy. A balanced diet will make your sugar gliders healthy and happy too!

Can Sugar Glider Eat Orange Peels?

Can sugar gliders eat oranges?

Yes, sugar gliders can eat oranges. Let’s talk about sugar gliders and oranges. Oranges are yummy for us, full of vitamin C, and a tangy taste. But for sugar gliders, it’s a bit tricky.

Oranges have good stuff like vitamin C and fiber that help with health and digestion. But they also have a lot of natural sugars and acids, which can be a problem for sugar gliders.

Nutritional Content of Orange Peels

You might not think of orange peels as food for your sugar glider, but they have some good stuff.

Orange peels have fiber that helps your glider’s tummy work well and keeps them from getting constipated.

They also have a bit of vitamin C and potassium, which are tiny vitamins and minerals.

But, here’s the thing: orange peels can taste really strong because of the oils in them. Some sugar gliders might not like that strong taste. So, you can try giving a tiny bit, but they might not be a big fan.

Health Benefits and Risks of Orange Peels

Good Stuff:

  • The fiber in them helps your glider’s tummy stay healthy.
  • They have a little bit of vitamin C, which is good for your glider’s health and immune system.

But There’s a Catch:

  • Orange peels taste really bitter, and your glider might not like that.
  • Also, be careful about pesticides. Make sure the peels are from organic oranges without pesticides.

Serving Size and Feeding Frequency

How much to give:

  • For grown-up gliders, just a tiny piece, no bigger than your fingernail, as a treat sometimes.
  • Baby gliders should get even tinier bits to not overwhelm them with the strong taste.
  • Remember, orange peels are like an extra treat, not their main food.

How often to give:

  • You can offer orange peels as a treat once a week, not more often.
  • Keep an eye on how your glider reacts. If they don’t like it or keep saying no, it’s cool to skip the orange peels. Respect their choice!

Other Alternatives to Orange Peels

While sugar gliders might not go crazy for oranges, there are lots of other yummy and healthy options:

  • Apples: Sugar gliders like small apple pieces, but be sure to take out the seeds because they can be bad for them.
  • Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are super tasty and full of good stuff.
  • Papaya: Sugar gliders really dig papaya, and it’s got vitamin C and things that help their tummy.
  • Leafy Greens: Give them greens like kale, spinach, and collard greens for extra vitamins and fiber.
  • Insects: They love insects like crickets and mealworms. These bugs are packed with protein, which is great for your glider.
  • Special Food: There are foods made just for sugar gliders that have all the things they need. It’s easy to feed them every day with this.

So, even if oranges aren’t their top pick, there are plenty of other tasty options to keep your sugar glider happy and healthy!


Q: Are orange peels safe for sugar gliders?

A: No, orange peels are not recommended for sugar gliders. The oils and citric acid can be difficult to digest.

Q: Can sugar gliders eat dried orange peels?

A: Dried peels are also not advised as their concentration of oils and acids increases.

Q: What part of an orange can sugar gliders eat?

A: Only the flesh of an orange should be fed to sugar gliders. Peel, pith, and seeds should be avoided.

Q: Why are orange peels risky for sugar gliders?

A: The high acid and essential oils in orange peels can irritate the sugar glider’s digestive system, causing upset.

Q: How should I prepare oranges for my sugar glider?

A: Oranges should be peeled and segmented into small wedges, removing all piths and seeds before feeding.

Q: How often can oranges be fed to sugar gliders?

A: Only 1-2 segments should be fed 1-2 times per week at most, as part of a varied diet.

Q: Are mandarin or clementine peels safer for sugar gliders?

A: No, all citrus fruits have similar peel risks. Only the peeled flesh should be fed.

Q: Can young sugar gliders eat orange flesh?

A: Yes, but introduce just a small piece at first to test their tolerance before increasing the amount.

Q: What nutrients do oranges provide for sugar gliders?

A: Oranges provide vitamin C, potassium, thiamine, and antioxidants to support immunity. But peels should be avoided.

Conclusion about Eating Orange Peels

When it comes to sugar gliders and orange peels, it’s a bit of a middle-ground situation. Not a definite yes, but not a no either.

Orange peels have good things like vitamin C and fiber, but they also have lots of sugar and acid, which can bother these tiny guys.

So, if you decide to share orange peels, do it in small amounts, not too often.

But here’s the fun part: just like us, sugar gliders have their own tastes. Some might really like oranges, while others might say, “No thanks!”

So, while orange peels can be a sometimes snack, it’s smart to try other foods like apples, berries, and leafy greens to make sure your glider has a yummy and balanced diet.

And keep an eye on how they react to make sure their tummies stay happy. Happy gliding and snacking!